Workshop Feedback
"It's a very interactive, informative dialogue in a comfortable setting. It doesn't create fear, but promotes smart strategies to help keep kids safe, and to discover when boundaries have been crossed."
Caroline, Parent and Teacher
"Before the talk was even over, I was thinking about how I can get all the parents I know to come to the next one. And my husband. And my parents."
Lisa, Parent
"I was bracing myself for an unpleasant discussion about all things dangerous. Instead, it was a great learning opportunity and felt that I walked away better armed to protect my girls."
Stephanie, Parent
"The yellow light idea gives me a way to think about, and speak up, when before I would have just frozen and gone on lock down with my kids! It’s less scary, when you have some information."
Wendy, Parent
"This really changed the way I think about how to protect my children. I called my husband on the way home, to tell him about the ideas, because there were so many things I wanted to start right away."
Suzanne, Parent
"It's a relief to quit the "Stranger Danger" approach, and instead start talking to my child in a way that will let her talk to me."
Jon, Parent